Tuesday, 27 March 2012


This week we did a scamper. S = Subsitute C = Combine A = Alter M = Mega P = Put to other uses E = Eliminate R = Reverse.

The Group I was in did well we used a noodle and most of the pictures we took were good. One we took was Substitute we used the noodle as a super long straw!

SCAMPER Is used for creativity and to make you think of using items different ways.

We also did the same Wilson Games as last time we did the peg one. Its called Pegasaurus I think.

Wilson game

For a couple of weeks the enrich students and I have been playing Wilson games. One of the games we played was one when 3 people had pegs on them. Another team had them to. The teams had to get pegs off each other. They only had one minute to do it. If a player had gotten one peg off another player that was 1 points if a person managed to have a peg all the game that was two points. For the people who were short I think it was easier because tall people have to bend down to grab the peg.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Kiaora John,

You were on fire during debating this week! I was impressed with the way you had thought out your discussion points, with further thought going into rebuttals.  Your team worked very well together, you showed great leadership here, finding a great balance of listening and contributing.

See you next week


Tuesday, 13 March 2012


At enrich a few weeks ago we got to have a try of some subjects. Maths, Science, Art, Computer programming, Documentary making and Drama. Drama was my favorite because I seemed to be good at it! The part I was good at was when we had someone else arms controlling what your arms were doing. so 1 person would be in front and talking and walking and the other person behind him/her would control the arms. ( He uses his/hers own arms ) I got to be the person behind one of the people and we had to be with another group acting two old friends meeting together again so I ... slapped the person!(but not to hard!)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


A few weeks ago the other enrich students and I went on a field trip finding out about what perspective means.
First we went to an Art gallery looking at all the paintings and the way they were painted.
Next we went to the Water tower. We were allowed to go to the top. I was a bit scared. When we got to the top and looked down I realized how high we really were. Then we went to a church looking at the stained windows. I now know that perspective means it means the way you look at something or the way the camera was positioned.