Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Talent Development

Today the Enrich students did Talent development. Talent development  is when we get to do either Photography, Mathematics or Drama. I am doing Photography and we have been doing manipulated photos. 

I really enjoy doing it so far. I have done 4 manipulated photos, one is when I am doing a stunt! (I just cut my head out and pasted it on a stunt guys head).

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Chess Tournament

Today I did three games of chess two with AJ and one with Miro. The games went well the first game I did which was with AJ I won then we did a rematch and it was a draw. After that I did a game with Miro which he won! The game went well at first it seemed I would win but then I made a mistake which lost me my Queen. Since I lost my Queen I started to lose quicker.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Talent Development

Today the Enrich students and I did another talent development.Talent development is when we do the subject we choose out of Photography, Maths (Can construction) and drama. I do photography and today we had an expert photographer in to help us take photos.
The photos taken were photos of ourselves.
It was lots of fun and I enjoyed it.