Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Digital Animations

Today at Enrich I did a digital animation, although it seemed very hard and complicated to achieve. 

First the program I used was called Blender. Blender is 3D software that can make and model 3D objects. Examples are heads, people, lego, plus millions more.

Since this was my second time ever using the awesome programme Blender, I didn't get very far although I have managed to make a small animation.The animation is a couple of shapes that glide around, sadly it would appear that it is impossible to post it on this blog....

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Chess Master Vs Master!

Today At Enrich I played an exciting and fierce game with AJ, one of the students at Enrich.

First I lost my Queen, then I decided I would not be beaten so I then did a couple of very tricky moves with my two knights that managed to knock his queen right off the chess board.

After that, the loud music came on so we decided to cancel the game since it was looking as it would end up as a stale mate.I had My king, two pawns and a knight left and AJ had his king and 3 pawns.

Also today at Enrich we had a garden expert come in and talk with the people who are doing the garden for their environment project  at Wachner Place. The garden expert's name is Bruce. Together we planned out what plants we are going to use, and how we are going to arrange them. We are planning to plant roses, dwarf yellow and purple flax bushes too.