Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Hello today was the first day on of Enrich for term 3! Today we got the choice to do tessellations, chemistry or art. I choose chemistry because I had never done it. The chemistry we did was making elephant toothpaste!. Yes it does sound strange but it is awesome!

To make it you need the following:
A test tube
Food colouring (optional)
A glass
A teaspoon and tablespoon
Hot water

Hydrogen peroxide


1. Pour the hydrogen peroxide into the test tube till it is 3/4 full.
2. Add some food colouring (Optional).
3. Add a squirt of soap.
4. With the glass add a teaspoon of yeast and add hot water stir it till it has dissolved.
5. Add the yeast to the test tube and watch the explosion!

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